Mar 03, 2020 This method 3 guide is to disclose to you how to play multiplayer on PPSSPP on PC. Method 3: Cross-Platform Multiplayer via Wireless Router - PC Host (Local/Wireless Area Network) Just repeat the same procedure in method 2, Except: Use your PC (Host) IP Address as PPSSPP’s Adhoc Server. I recommend onelight's apk from this thread:Built-in Adhoc Server, you need to uninstall your ppsspp first before you can install it. It connects faster and more stable than the latest version in terms of adhoc.
September 25, 2019: PPSSPP 1.9 is here!
Tekken tag iso for ppsspp. PPSSPP 1.9.0 fixes more bugs and performance issues. 1.9.3 fixes a few additional bugs on Android primarily.
Rollout has started - if you're on Android you'll automatically be updated within a week.
A list of the major changes:
- Flicker fixed in God of War that appeared with newer drivers for Mali GPUs (#12224)
- Improve performance of God of War on Vulkan (#12242), implement built-in GPU profiler (#12262, #12266)
- Vertex range culling fixed on ARM Mali (#12227)
- Started to improve VFPU precision, resulting so far in a fix for the long standing Tekken 6 leg shaking problem (#12217)
- Fixed a VFPU precision snafu on ARM64, fixing disappearing officers in Warriors Orochi (#11299) and some problems in Tomb Raider (#11179).
- Vulkan is the default again on Android versions newer than Pie
- Fix various homebrew store issues
- GPU pause signal handling fixed, fixing some hangs in Bleach and Armored Core games (#12160)
- Audio sample rate conversion handling fixes (#12147)
- Some Vulkan optimizations (pre-rotation (#12216), perf fix in Metal Gear Acid, etc)
- Multiple fixes for the UWP build (#12036, others)
- MP3 playback fixes (#12005)
- Audio in Motorstorm: Arctic Edge fixed by returning errors correctly (#12121)
- Audio glitches in Final Fantasy Tactics fixed (#9956)
- Camera display in Invizimals fixed (#12278, #8521)
- Added hotkeys for texture dump and replace (#11938)
- Added Visual Studio 2019 support. Windows XP is no longer supported (#11995, others)
- Fixes for video capture (#12069)
- Added a separate sound volume for alternative speed (#12124)
- Improved mouse control (Windows only) (#12173, #12176)
- Support for installing texture packs and ISOs from zips (#12175)
- Right analog support for touch controls (only used by patched games and some HD remasters) (#12182)
- Android: Fix OpenSL initialization, possibly helps audio crackle a little. (#12333).
- Fix graphics on Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K
- Fixed strange vehicle behavior in MGS:PW (somehow) (#12342)
- Ported to the Nintendo Switch by m4xw! Builds available on m4xw's Patreon.
Ad Hoc Server Ppsspp Monster Hunter
Older news
Ad Hoc Server Ppsspp
See older news
Download Adhoc Server Ppsspp
- MEmuV = v1.0.1
- MURL =
- MVersion = 2.0
- iCRC =
- MSystem = 'Sony PSP','Sony PlayStation Minis'
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Tutorial for multiplayer in PPSSPP emulator with AdhocServer
- ;
- ; - At the moment, due to the controls, you can only play 1-2 players. If the author of the emulator put support for gamepad configuration on the emulator you can play with up to 6 players on the same PC.
- ; - First download the necessary emulator for it here:
- ;
- ; or here:
- ;
- ;
- ; - Unzip the emulator in the preferred location and the Adhoc at the same location.
- ; - Create a folder within that site with the name of Player 2 emulator and unzip it there.
- ; (Adhoc emulator is only for Player 1, which will be the Host)
- ;
- ; - Follow the video below to configure the two players:
- ;
- ; - To better setting and gameplay commands the Player 1 has to be done with a gamepad Xbox 360 and the player 2 with keyboard commands.
- ;
- ; - Now let's configure the emulator player 1:
- ; Open the emulator 1 go to 'Settings', then 'Graphics', change to the following:
- ; - Backend = Direct3D9
- ; - Mode = Buffered rendering
- ; - Simulate block transfer (unfinished) = unchecked
- ; - Frameskipping = off
- ; - Auto frameskip = unchecked
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; Now 'Networking'
- ; - Enable networking / WLAN (beta, may break games) = marked
- ; - Specify client address = marked
- ; - Change bind address =
- ; - Change PRO ad hoc server IP address =
- ; - Enable built-in PRO ad hoc server = unchecked
- ; - Change MAC address = different of emulator 2
- ;
- ;
- ; - Enable server reports compatiblility = unchecked
- ; - Fast memory (unstable) = unchecked
- ; - Multithreaded (experimental) = unchecked
- ;
- ; - Now let's configure the emulator player 2:
- ; Open the emulator 2 go to 'Settings', then 'Graphics', there change to the following:
- ; - Backend = OpenGL
- ; - Mode = Buffered rendering
- ; - Simulate block transfer (unfinished) = marked
- ; - Frameskipping = off
- ; - Auto frameskip = unchecked
- ; - Prevent FPS from Exceeding 60 (speeds up GoW) = unchecked
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; Now 'Networking'
- ; - Enable networking / WLAN (beta, may break games) = marked
- ; - Specify client address = marked
- ; - Change bind address =
- ; - Change PRO ad hoc server IP address =
- ; - Enable built-in PRO ad hoc server = unchecked
- ; - Change MAC address = different of emulator 1
- ;
- ;
- ; - Enable server reports compatiblility = unchecked
- ; - Fast memory (unstable) = unchecked
- ; - Multithreaded (experimental) = unchecked
- ;
- ; Games Compatibility List (Only PPSSPP) AdHocServer
- ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BezelGUI()
- settingsFile := modulePath . ' . moduleName . '.ini'
- linkEnabled := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, 'Link_Enabled', 'false',1)
- NumberofPlayers := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, 'NumberofPlayers', '1',1)
- SplitScreen2PlayersMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, 'Settings', 'SplitScreen_2_Players','Vertical',1) ;horizontal or vertical
- SplitScreen3PlayersMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, 'Settings', 'SplitScreen_3_Players','P1top',1) ; For Player1 screen to be on left: P1left. For Player1 screen to be on top: P1top. For Player1 screen to be on bottom: P1bottom. For Player1 screen to be on right: P1right.
- If (linkEnabled = 'true')
- SelectedNumberofPlayers := NumberOfPlayersSelectionMenu(NumberofPlayers)
- FadeInStart()
- fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, 'Settings', 'Fullscreen','true',1)
- fullScreenWidth := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, 'Settings', 'FullScreenWidth',A_ScreenWidth,1)
- fullScreenHeight := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, 'Settings', 'FullScreenHeight',A_ScreenHeight,1)
- emupath2 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, 'Settings', 'Player2_EmulatorPath',emupath . 'Player 2',1) ;must be a unique path to same version of the emulator
- emupath3 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, 'Settings', 'Player3_EmulatorPath',emupath . 'Player 3',1) ;must be a unique path to same version of the emulator
- emupath4 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, 'Settings', 'Player4_EmulatorPath',emupath . 'Player 4',1) ;must be a unique path to same version of the emulator
- AdhocSever := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, 'Settings', 'AdhocSeverPath',emupath . 'AdhocSever.exe',1)
- bezelSleep := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, 'Settings', 'bezelSleep','1500',1) ; in miliseconds, if you are using the bezel view and your screen does not fit correctly in the bezel, try to increase this value.
- ppssppINI := CheckFile(emuPath . 'memstickPSPSystemppsspp.ini')
- iniRead, currentFullScreen, %ppssppINI%, Graphics, FullScreen
- If (SelectedNumberofPlayers > 1) {
- } Else
- hideEmuObj := Object(dialogOpen . ' ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass',0) ;Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
- ; Setting Fullscreen setting in ini if it doesn't match what user wants above
- If ( Fullscreen != 'true' And currentFullScreen = 'True' )
- IniWrite, False, %ppssppINI%, Graphics, FullScreen
- Else If ( Fullscreen = 'true' And currentFullScreen = 'False' )
- IniWrite, True, %ppssppINI%, Graphics, FullScreen
- ;IniWrite, %fullScreenWidth%, %ppssppINI%, General, WindowWidth
- ;IniWrite, %fullScreenHeight%, %ppssppINI%, General, WindowHeight
- If (SelectedNumberofPlayers = 1 !linkEnabled) {
- HideEmuStart() ; This fully ensures windows are completely hidden even faster than winwait
- Run(executable . ' '' . romPath . ' . romName . romExtension . '', emupath) ; Hides the emulator on launch. When bezel is enabled, this helps not show the emu before the rom is loaded
- WinWaitActive('ahk_class PPSSPPWnd') ;this line only works if fade in is enabled
- ;screen positions
- If SplitScreen2PlayersMode = Vertical
- X1 := 0 , Y1 := (A_ScreenHeight-A_ScreenHeight//2)/2 , W1 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H1 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , X2 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , Y2 := (A_ScreenHeight-A_ScreenHeight//2)/2 , W2 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H2 := A_ScreenHeight
- X1 := (A_ScreenWidth-A_ScreenWidth//2)/2 , Y1 := 0 , W1 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H1 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , X2 := (A_ScreenWidth-A_ScreenWidth//2)/2 , Y2 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , W2 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H2 := A_ScreenHeight//2
- If SplitScreen3PlayersMode = P1left
- X1 := 0 , Y1 := (A_ScreenHeight-A_ScreenHeight//2)/2 , W1 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H1 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , X2 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , Y2 := 0 , W2 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H2 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , X3 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , Y3 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , W3 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H3 := A_ScreenHeight//2
- X1 := (A_ScreenWidth-A_ScreenWidth//2)/2 , Y1 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , W1 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H1 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , X2 := 0 , Y2 := 0 , W2 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H2 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , X3 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , Y3 := 0 , W3 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H3 := A_ScreenHeight//2
- X1 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , Y1 := (A_ScreenHeight-A_ScreenHeight//2)/2 , W1 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H1 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , X2 := 0 , Y2 := 0 , W2 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H2 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , X3 := 0 , Y3 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , W3 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H3 := A_ScreenHeight//2
- X1 := (A_ScreenWidth-A_ScreenWidth//2)/2 , Y1 := 0 , W1 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H1 := A_ScreenHeight//2, X2 := 0 , Y2 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , W2 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H2 := A_ScreenHeight//2, X3 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , Y3 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , W3 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H3 := A_ScreenHeight//2
- X1 := 0 , Y1 := 0 , W1 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H1 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , X2 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , Y2 := 0 , W2 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H2 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , X3 := 0 , Y3 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , W3 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H3 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , X4 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , Y4 := A_ScreenHeight//2 , W4 := A_ScreenWidth//2 , H4 := A_ScreenHeight//2
- HideEmuStart() ; This fully ensures windows are completely hidden even faster than winwait
- ;this loop is for error checking since this emulator needs multiple instances of the emulator starting from different locations to run
- {
- LinkedEmuPath := (A_Index = 1) ? (emupath) : (emupath%A_Index%)
- CheckFile(LinkedEmuPath . 'memstickPSPSystemppsspp.ini')
- {
- LinkedEmuPath := (A_Index = 1) ? (emupath) : (emupath%A_Index%)
- ppssppLinkedINI := LinkedEmuPath . 'memstickPSPSystemppsspp.ini' ;no need to checkfile it here since it's already been done
- IniWrite, False, %ppssppLinkedINI%, Graphics, FullScreen
- Run(executable . ' '' . romPath . ' . romName . romExtension, LinkedEmuPath, Screen%A_Index%PID)
- WinGet, Screen%A_Index%ID, ID, % ahk_class PPSSPPWnd
- WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, % 'ahk_id ' . Screen%A_Index%ID
- WinSet, Style, -0x40000, % 'ahk_id ' . Screen%A_Index%ID
- ;DllCall('SetMenu', uint, WinActive( Screen%A_Index%ID ), uint, 0) ; Removes the MenuBar
- Log('Moving window ' . currentScreen . ' to ' . X%currentScreen% . '`,' . Y%currentScreen% . ' with W' . W%currentScreen% . ' H' . H%currentScreen%)
- WinMove, % 'ahk_id ' . Screen%currentScreen%ID, , % X%currentScreen%, % Y%currentScreen%, % W%currentScreen%, % H%currentScreen%
- Sleep, 50
- }
- If bezelPath
- HideEmuEnd()
- If (SelectedNumberofPlayers = 1 !linkEnabled) {
- } Else {
- WinShow, % 'ahk_id ' . Screen%A_Index%ID ; Show the emulator
- WinActivate, ahk_id %Screen2ID% ; activate first player window so that first player can use keyboard instead of last player
- ;I find that the fade in exit looks better after the winshow lines
- BezelExit()
- ExitModule()
- FadeOutStart()
- Loop, %SelectedNumberofPlayers%
- WinWaitClose('ahk_id ' . Screen%a_index%ID)
- }
- WinClose('ahk_class PPSSPPWnd')
- Process('Close', AdhocSever.exe)
- Return